Introduce your Project
- Names of all participants
- Destination
- Departure and duration
- Detailed project description and itinerary
- Expected materiál support from the Hannah Grant
Do we like the project?
The applicants chosen in the first round will attend a personal meeting where we will specify mutual requirements and all the details about the project.
Selected projects can expect material support regarding the their scope, needs and the final destination.
Before and On the way
We expect you to be active in promoting the project across your social networking sites, websites, blogs and other media. Don’t forget both regular updates and breaking news.
Regardless the scope, the least we need is proper photo documentation on a regular basis during project duration. Frequency of reports depends on the mutual agreement.
BACK home
You need to prepare the final report, which will include at least 20 best and most authentic photos in printable quality. Video materials are not needed but will be regarded as an advantage during the selection process.
We would like you to take part in events organized by Hannah associated with Hannah Grant.